Homeopathy Treatment

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) remedy

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) is a long-lasting skin problem that brings along itchiness, redness, dryness, and inflammation. It sets off a troublesome loop of itching, scratching, and more itching, sometimes leading to burning and bleeding on the skin.Interestingly, there’s a belief that “No one develops Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema), people are born with it.” This is because …

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"Illustration portraying a distracted individual, highlighting inattention, a common trait in ADHD.

ADHD, A Homeopathic Approach

Overview  ADHD, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a frequently occurring neurodevelopmental condition that impacts attention and behaviour. For instance, people with ADHD are more easily distracted than people who don’t have it. ADHD can make it harder to focus, listen well, wait, or take your time. ADHD, once considered predominantly a childhood disorder, …

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Red, raised hives (urticaria) on skin with distinct borders.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hives (Urticaria)

Overview Hives, also known as urticaria, are like raised red bumps on your skin. They happen when your body reacts to something it’s allergic to, certain foods (eggs, nuts, shellfish), medications (like antibiotics and pain relievers), activities (such as exercise or scratching), and even stress are the main causes that can trigger it. Read more …

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A group of assorted homeopathic medicine bottles with natural ingredients for allergic rhinitis treatment.

Natural treatment for Allergic Rhinitis

What is an Allergy? An allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment. Not all individuals react excessively to certain substances, but those who are oversensitive to any particular substance can develop allergic reactions. These substances are known as allergens and are found in house, dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, …

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Homeopathic remedy for stomach health Natural stomach relief with homeopathy

Homeopathic Medicines to Improve Stomach Problems 

It’s that time of year when everyone indulges in sweets, greasy food and overeating. It can be challenging to resist delicious dishes especially when you’re surrounded by friends and family.  Of course indulging in those sweets, like Barfis and adoos as well as enjoying samosas is a given during festive times. However it’s important to …

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homeopathy medicine for body pain

Natural Relief from Body Pains with Homeopathy

These days, it’s common for people to experience body aches after recovering from a viral fever. These aches tend to affect various joints, with a particular emphasis on the wrists, fingers, knees, and feet for weeks to months with fatigue. Homeopathic remedies offer a natural alternative to traditional painkillers. One of the most remarkable aspects …

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