BPDyn controls high blood pressure and stimulates vital health. It can relieve your symptoms of throbbing heartbeats, associated headaches, and vision problems and also helps tone up cardiac muscles. The key to better-quality health is, after all, not external dependence on medicines, but an internal correction of immunity & equilibrium.

About Dynamic 24 BPDYN

BPDyn is a Homeopathic Solution for maintaining vital health and controlling high blood pressure. It can relieve your symptoms of throbbing heart beats, associated headache, vision problems and also helps tone up cardiac muscles. By restoring the body’s balance and strengthening immunity, BpDyn offers a reliable alternative to conventional medicine for hypertension.


  • Unless otherwise prescribed, 
  • 20 drops in the Morning 
  • 20 drops in the Evening 

Side effects:

  • No side effects of BPDYN are known.


  • Rauvolfia Serpentina Q
  • Glonoinum 12
  • Passiflora Incarnata Q
  • Terminalia Arjuna Q
  • Cactus Grandiflorus Q
  • Crataegus Oxyacantha Q

Dynamic 24 BPDYN FAQs

What is BpDyn?

BPDyn controls high blood pressure and stimulates vital health. It can relieve your symptoms of throbbing heart beats, associated headache, vision problems and also helps tone up cardiac muscles. The key to better-quality health is, after all, not external dependence on medicines, but an internal correction of immunity & equilibrium.

Can Homeopathy help me with High Blood Pressure?

Yes, Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to managing high blood pressure, offering not only stabilization of blood pressure but also an overall improvement in health and well-being.

How long shall I continue BpDyn?

It has to be taken as long as the symptoms are better or improvement sets in, or otherwise as prescribed by the physician.

Can I continue anti-hypertensive medications with BpDyn?

Yes, you can take anti-hypertensive medicines with BpDyn, without any fear.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for Hypertension?

BpDyn helps restore normal Blood pressure and is safe for long-term use.

What are the benefits of BpDyn?

BpDyn supports heart, tone up cardiac muscles and helps with throbbing heart beats and associated headache.

What precautions are required before taking BpDyn?

Refrain from consuming any food,drink or other medicine half an hour prior to and after taking medication. Dilute the medicine in Half a cup of water.

Does Hypertension affect children?

Yes, High blood pressure is no longer a disease that affects only adults. It is a growing problem in children too.

Is BpDyn safe for children?

Yes, with the guidance of a physician. BpDyn is a homeopathic medicine which is a safer form of treatment in children when conventional medications are ill-advised.

Why is hypertension called a ‘Silent Killer’?

Despite the absence of noticeable symptoms in many cases, hypertension can lead to severe health complications such as heart attack and kidney issues.

What are the risk factors for High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure can result from various factors including family history, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking history, emotional stress, and a sedentary lifestyle.

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Systolic readings indicate the arterial pressure during the contraction of the heart muscles, while diastolic readings correspond to the pressure during the relaxation/resting phase between heartbeats.

What are different types of Hypertension?

Primary or Essential Hypertension, when there are no identifiable causes of high blood pressure. Secondary Hypertension, when it is caused due to an underlying medical condition such as atherosclerosis, kidney problems, obesity etc.

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